Optional Activities

For the most up to date information on Optional Activities, including any cancellations please see Microsoft Teams. Below is a summary of the optional training offered at the squadron including information on how to join. 


Biathlon is a combination of cross-country skiing and marksmanship. It requires tremendous endurance and strength as well as skill and precision. Unpredictable elements including weather and wind conditions make this outdoor sport a fun and rewarding challenge that thousands of cadets participate in each year.

Cadet biathletes participate in a series of competitions at the local level that culminate in provincial / territorial competitions. Many of our cadets have long reaped the benefits of competitive biathlon programs at the local, zone, provincial / territorial and national levels.

​​​​​​​Whether you are aiming for success or achievement in biathlon/physical fitness or just interested in participating in an exciting sport – there are golden opportunities available through cadet biathlon.

Biathlon is open to all cadets.  Practices run at the following times: 

  • Running Practice – Thursdays from 18:30 – 19:30 at Assiniboine Park Duck Pond
  • Shooting Practice – Sundays from 12:00 – 15:00 at ANAVETS. 

 A race team of up to 13 cadets will be selected by Tuesday, October 24 to represent 191 RCACS at the Stage II (Zone) Competition at the end of October. 

For more information about biathlon or to join, please speak to Capt. J Fichtner or Capt A Fichtner.



Air Rifle training was introduced to the Canadian Cadet Movement in the 1990s. The addition of air rifles reflects the need for an inexpensive, readily available marksmanship program.

The Canadian Cadet Movement’s Air Rifle is the Daisy / Avanti 853C .177 Caliber Target Air Rifle. This Daisy model was created specifically for the Canadian Cadet Movement.

Because of the low muzzle velocity, the Daisy 853C is not classified as a firearm under the current Federal Gun Legislation. Our training always teaches to the higher standard, so even though the 853c is not a firearm we treat it as such. Following all the safety rules and guidlines of safe firearm handling (safety equipment, example glasses). A qualified Canadian Forces Range Safety Officer runs the range to a standard that is at least equal to the civilian standard, but in most cases exceeds it. Air rifle ranges can be setup virtually anywhere. We routinely setup on our parade square, and in the field during Field Training Exercises.

The range is configured in 1.5 metre x 10 metre lanes. Cadets typically fire from the prone (laying down) position.

Qualifications are based on shooting 10 pellets onto two targets for all levels. The highest qualification attained during the year is retained. For a Marksman qualification, a cadet must obtain two groupings of 3 cm on two targets

Marksmanship is open to all cadets.  

Marksmanship practices run on Sundays from 12:00 – 15:00 at ANAVETS.  Dress is civilian clothes.  

A group of cadets will be selected to represent 191 RCACS at the Stage II (Zone) competition to be held in the Spring. 

If you are interested in joining marksmanship or looking for more information, please speak to Lt Sul



The band is an important part of the 191 Squadron. It is composed of many cadets playing in different categories. It is led by a band officer and the drum major. 

Band specific skills include: 

  • cleaning your instrument.
  • Putting together, holding, and using your instrument.
  • Maintaining your instrument.
  • Band specific drill.

Band is open to all cadets of all skill levels.

Band practices run on Sundays from 13:00 – 15:00 at ANAVETS

A music clinic will be held in December for those cadets that have signed up.  More information will be passed along when it becomes available. 

If you are interested in joining band or looking for more information, please speak to CI Cha or WO2 Cha.  


Drill Team:  

Cadets from various training levels conduct a multitude of drill movements ranging from basic to advance levels in preparation for various local, zone, regional, and national competitions. Cadets in the drill team are held to a high standard of drill, dress, and deportment.

​​​​​​​Drill team cadets are part of an exclusive team within the squadron and are expected to uphold high standards at all times.

Drill team is open to all cadets and takes place on Sundays from 10:00 – 12:00 at ANAVETS.

Dress is civilian clothes. Please bring your parade boots.

For more information or to join, please speak to Lt Fiola.


Effective Speaking: 

The effective speaking program is an experience in individual development. The speaker’s own growth, measured against his or her own previous experience and accomplishments, is the most important feature of the competition.

Air Cadets are aiming to be more valuable members of society. They are learning to organize and present ideas, opinions, and information in a logical, persuasive manner. They are building confidence in self-expression. They are taking responsibility for the most important skill of adult life – communication.  

The Effective Speaking program prepares cadets for public speaking. This program leads to competitions at the regional, provincial, and national level amongst air cadets across the country.

Cadets are required to prepare a five to six-minute speech from a list of provided topics and a two to three-minute impromptu speech provided during the competition. 

Effective Speaking is open to all cadets.  Two cadets will be selected to represent 191 RCACS at the Manitoba Effective Speaking Competition in the Spring.  

Effective Speaking Practices take place on Thursdays from 19:00 – 20:00 via Teams Meeting and Sunday 15:00 – 17:00 

For more information or to join, please speak to Capt. Sandall.  


Flag Party: 

Six cadets will be selected to make up the Flag Party.  Cadets of any rank may try out for the flag party.

The flag party is a group of cadets that carry and guard the flags during formal parades. It consists on 3 flag bearers, 2 escorts and a flag party commander.

For more information about Flag Party or to join, please speak to The Flight Commander 


Ground School: 

Cadets that are interested in applying for the Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC) or the Power Pilot Training Course (PPTC) must register for and complete the Online Ground School.  Registration closes November 15.  The Online Ground School course including all practice exams must be completed by January 14.  

Squadron ground school will begin on November 5 and will run on Sundays from 12:00 – 15:00  at ANAVETS.  A basic ground school will be held from 12:00 – 13:30 and this is aimed at cadets that are not yet eligible for GPTC or PPTC.  An advanced ground school will be held from 13:30 – 15:00 where we will discuss topics in further details.  Cadets enrolled in the Online Ground School are welcome to join the basic ground school from 12:00 – 13:30 to learn or work on their Online Ground School. 

Dress is civilian clothes.  Please bring a notebook or computer to take notes.  

For more information about Ground School or to join, please speak to please speak to Capt J Fichtner or Capt A Fichtner.  To register for Online Ground School please speak to please speak to Capt J Fichtner. 


Orienteering can be described as adventure running.  Proficiency in Orienteering requires endurance, intelligence, and physical and mental toughness.  It is a timed event in which the orienteer navigates different terrains using a map and compass and making decisions while running as he or she collects a series of control points.  What does this mean for cadets?

Orienteering is a great way to learn map and compass skills and it requires limited resources.

Orienteering is suitable for both male and female cadets of all ages; any skill level and physical ability, orienteering allows any cadet to participate.  I suggest first time orienteers go a fast as they want.  This could mean a walk in the woods carefully map reading and route finding  to a rapid run along a route collecting controls as fast as they can go.  Each cadets set his or her own pace and objectives for each race.

The goal of an orienteer is to select the fastest route between a series of control points in the terrain using your map and compass.  Areas selected for orienteering meets can be both wooded and open land with landmarks such as fences, trails, roads, hills, spurs, and reentrants.

Orienteers start at intervals and following is not allowed.  you are given a description sheet (which provides information about each of the control points)  with control codes appearing on the control card to be punched as each control point.

Orienteering maps are very precise and accurate topographical maps.  The maps do not have grid lines or text written on the map.  Folding and holding the map becomes an essential skill.  Thumbing the map is a technique used to identify your position on the map and moving it along the map as you run across the terrain.

Orienteering meets are a scored event, the orienteer is faced with a fixed time limit.  Within a certain amount of time they must visit as many controls as possible.  Normally there are more control points then time.  Each control point has points assigned to them – The control points that are farther away and more difficult to find receive more points.  The orienteer or team with the most points with in the time limit wins and those taking more than the allowed time have points deducted from their total score.